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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes, Jan. 11, 2005
 January 11, 2005

Present at the meeting that was held at the Town Building were Chairman John Clayton and selectmen Kathleen K. Farrell, Carole A. Makary, Edward R. Perry Jr., and Janet Wheeler.  Also present were Town Administrator William Wrigley and Administrative Assistant Susan Flint Hosier.

Chairman Clayton called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m.

There were no bills.

Regarding the draft minutes of Dec. 14, it was moved and seconded to accept the minutes, with amendments. In the ensuing discussion, Ms. Wheeler proposed substantive changes to the minutes and the motion to approve was withdrawn. Ms. Flint Hosier was instructed to verify the proposed changes to the tape recording before making any changes to the minutes.
Regarding the Jan. 4 draft minutes, written by Town Clerk Linda Hathaway, Ms. Makary moved to accept the minutes, as amended, Ms. Farrell seconded and all voted in favor.

Town Administrator’s Activity Report
Mr. Wrigley reported that he and Mr. Perry had negotiated a tentative agreement on the FY05 contract with Local 3262, the firefighters’ union. He noted that an executive session was posted for the end of the meeting for discussion. Negotiations are continuing with the Police and Clerical unions.

Mr. Wrigley said Police officials and he met today with the Division of Employment, regarding an appeal filed by a former town employee.

Rep. Patricia Walrath
State representative Pat Walrath joined the Board for her annual visit to share state-level activities of interest to Stow. Bills and legislation passed and signed by the governor, immediately effective, included:
·       Revamping school building assistance
·       Changes in the public construction law
·       Smoking ban in public places
·       Mutual aid indemnity
·       Changes in community policing grants
·       Dangerous buildings requirements
·       Municipal light plants offering cable
·       Pedestrian safety at crosswalks
·       Sale of municipal tax receivables
·       Site inspections for liquor license applications, including sprinkler requirement
·       Motorized scooters in public ways
·       Council on Aging workers must report suspected elder abuse.

Rep. Walrath said the state budget would be final by July 1, as required. Finances are looking better but the state still has a structural deficit. Cuts at the federal level include $600M on Medicare and $81M on Big Dig reimbursements. The state is looking at a $900M deficit, without the federal cuts above.

Ms. Farrell asked Rep. Walrath about school building assistance funds for the Hale School. Payments to the Town have been short by $132K per year since 2001 because the state has not done the required audit. Rep. Walrath agreed to follow up with the School Building Assistance Office.

Ms. Farrell noted a recent MMA resolution regarding the education reform formula. Communities’ ability to pay is not accurately reflected in property values alone; median income is a better gauge. Rep. Walrath responded that the legislature is trying to give more tax breaks for seniors through local options to communities.

In response to a question from Chairman Clayton, Rep. Walrath said that she is having the Attorney General’s Office look into changes in the lotteries’ pay ratio.

Eagle Scout Recognition
Three new Eagle Scouts received citations and congratulations from the Board for their achievement. Shane Makary, Andrew Cutting, and Chris Trinkaus-Randall were recognized for their induction into the Eagle Court of Honor, a rank attained by only four percent of all scouts. To become an Eagle Scout, applicants do projects to illustrate their skills. Eagle Scout Makary created an outdoor display map for the Lower Village cemetery. Andrew Cutting renovated the kitchen at St. Isadore’s parish. And Chris Trinkaus-Randall built a kickboard backstop for the soccer field at Lake Boon.

Bylaw Review Committee Applicant
The final applicant for the General Bylaw Review Committee did not attend the meeting to pursue the application. As a result, the remaining vacancy for the committee was re-posted for the required time period.

Police Chief
After reviewing the three applications for the open position of Police Chief, the Board voted to appoint Interim Chief Mark Trefry as the Town’s new Chief of Police. Mr. Perry so moved, Ms. Makary seconded, and all voted in favor.

It was noted that Mr. Trefry has served the town in various capacities for 36 years and began his law-enforcement career as a volunteer police officer in Stow in 1976.

Selectmen’s Webpage
Ms. Wheeler showed the webpage she had prepared for the Board. It was agreed that elected and appointed boards are the top priority for start-up.

Date for Annual Town Meeting
Town Clerk Linda Hathaway asked the Board to set the Annual Town Meeting dates, so that planning could begin. Some members favored holding it on the first Monday in May, with election held on Tuesday of the following week. Mr. Wrigley, however, favored the third Monday in May, given that the Nashoba school budget (roughly 60 percent of the total municipal budget) is not available until the end of April.

Mr. Perry moved, Ms. Wheeler seconded, and all voted in favor of holding the 2005 Annual Town Meeting on the third Monday of May, May 16.

Public Education & Government Advisory Committee (PEG)
Mr. Perry, the Board’s liaison to PEG, reported that the committee is soliciting bids for a turnkey solution to cable casting department meetings.

The committee is running out of space in its present office/control room on the third floor. More room will be needed soon.

PEG wants to film and broadcast pre-Town Meeting department presentations and asked the Board to invite others to participate. The sessions would run from February through April. After discussion, the Board decided to invite all departments to participate.

Selectmen’s Annual Report
Chairman Clayton invited members to contribute to the Board’s annual report, which he is drafting. The reports are due on Jan. 28.

Ms. Farrell, who suggested reviving Joint Boards meetings for cross-department communication, said a meeting is being planned for February.

Residents’ Petition to Snowplow Asa Whitcomb Way
Based on recommendations from the Planning Board and Superintendent of Streets, the Board voted to deny a request by residents for town plowing of the subdivision street.
Mr. Perry so moved, Ms. Makary seconded, and all voted to deny the request.
The contractor had remaining work to be done and the road was not yet safe for the town plows. The decision would be reconsidered as circumstances change.

Issue Annual Licenses
The Board signed renewals of annual licenses for Common Victualers.

Correspondence/Discussion/Future Agenda Topics
Chairman Clayton reported a resident’s request to hear audiotapes of two prior Board meetings, for which an estimate would be made.

Members agreed to invite Greg Jones to a future meeting for action on forming a Housing Partnership.

At 8:50 pm, Ms. Makary moved, Ms. Farrell seconded and all voted by role-call vote to move to Executive Session to discuss employee union contract negotiations and not to return to Open Session at adjournment.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Flint Hosier
Administrative Assistant
Board of Selectmen